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WeakAuras Addon Download

The single best addon released for World of Warcraft ever...in my opinion. It's insanely customizable and you can practically create your own addon suites for your class. You can also easily import anyone else's WeakAuras and tweak them to your style. Click on some of the classes below to see weakAuras developed by various members of the community!

Latest Backport: v3.2

This is the most modern version WeakAuras for cataclysm. It is based on the backport of wrath which is significantly more developed. There are older versions floating out there but I currently recommend this version.


KNOWN ISSUES: lots of minor issues, nothing too game breaking

Class WeakAura Groups

Click on any of the class icons below to see class and spec based WeakAura groups from a variety of community members.

Raid and Utility WeakAuras

Click on the icons below to find various WeakAuras for the differnt raid tiers in Cataclysm as well as other WeakAuras for non-class related things.