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Max Camera Distance

Someone always asks...

/script SetCVar("cameraDistanceMax",50) 

Vendor all Grey Items

This macro will vendor all of your grey items if clicked while you have a vendor open. It will also send a printout to your main chat window with how much gold you just made.

/run local c,i,n,v=0;for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b)do i={GetContainerItemInfo(b,s)}n=i[7]if n and string.find(n,"9d9d9d")then v={GetItemInfo(n)}q=i[2]c=c+v[11]*q;UseContainerItem(b,s)print(n,q)end;end;end;print(GetCoinText(c))

Auto Mount After Loot

After Clicking this macro, you will automatically cast your mount after you loot an item until you log out. This is great for farming quickly with your flying mount. To turn it off, simply /reload. 

Notice the part of the macro that says    CallCompanion("MOUNT",8) simply change the 8 to the number of the mount you want to call based on it's position in in your mount spellbook.

/run local f=AtH or CreateFrame("Frame","AtH") f:SetScript("OnEvent",function() CallCompanion("MOUNT",8) end) f:RegisterEvent("LOOT_CLOSED")

Basic Mount Macro

I'm sure many of you use this, but if not, it makes life very nice. Simply replace the mount you want to use in each situation and it will automatically cast the one you want depending on your location. I often use the shift modifier for a utility mount like the mammoth.


/cast [mod:shift] Cat Form

/cast [noflyable] Great Brown Kodo

/cast [flyable] Flight Form

/cast [swimming] Abyssal Seahorse

Interrupt/CC Macro

This macro casts Hex (or any interrupt or CC) on your focus or your current target. The first time you use this macro, the focus is set on your current target (if it is an enemy). Subsequent uses of the macro will keep casting Hex on your focus, unless you press alt (or whatever modifier you specify in the second line of the macro), in which case, the macro will set the focus on your current target before casting Hex on it.

stolen from tauri-veins!

#showtooltip Hex

/clearfocus [modifier:alt]

/focus [@focus,noexists]

/clearfocus [@focus,help][@focus,noharm]


/stopmacro [@target,noharm]

/cast [@focus,exists,harm][@target] Hex

Better Nameplate Keybinds

You know what really grinds my gears? When I press the keybind to turn on friendly nameplates and it automatically turns off enemy blizz....

I use these macros with the same keybinds as the default (V, shift+V) but they simply toggle the nameplate you want to change. I use "headline mode" for friendly nameplates in the tidy plates addon. It makes everyone's names larger, class colored, and easy to read even when zoomed out while raiding. Makes raid leading a lot easier as you can easily see who is out of position. But sometimes I like to toggle them off quickly during a fight and then turn them back on all while having my enemy nameplates still showing.

Enemy Nameplate Toggle

/run if (GetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies")=="0") then SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies",1) else SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies",0) end

Friendly Nameplate Toggle

/run if (GetCVar("nameplateShowFriends")=="0") then SetCVar("nameplateShowFriends",1) else SetCVar("nameplateShowFriends",0) end