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Below is a spreadsheet containing all the haste breakpoints for most relevant classes.

This is not my spreadsheet, I'm just linking this here. It's the first google result when you search "4.3 haste breakpoints." I've made a copy, saved on my google drive, and shared here just in case it disappears.

Why these numbers matter. (Click to Expand)

In Cataclysm, dots scale with haste, meaning your dots will tick faster with more haste. However, the game aims to keep dots all the same duration. This means that with enough haste, the game will add another tick to your dot. What makes this complicated is that the calculation that determines when to add another tick is rounded.

For example:

there is an equation that determines number of ticks. If that equation returns 14.3, your dot will have 14 ticks

If that equation returns 14.5 ticks, your dot will have 15 ticks.

This means that you want to aim to have jussssst enough haste to get that number to round up. Adding more haste still helps, but with severely diminishing returns.

DOT/HOT Haste calculations 4.3.4