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Simulating your character in order to see if new items are an upgrade or if a different reforge, talent, or glyph setup is better can be useful tool if you're trying to push progression or fight for top rankings on twinstar's logs. Below is a quick tutorial to get you set up. I am not an expert at using this by any means but figured I'd share links to downloads with some tips on how to get started. If you have any suggestions, please reach out to me and I'll update this page.

Downloading SimCraft

The following two links are to download the software for your PC to simulate fights. The first is a link to the site were you can download all the versions of SimCraft. The next is simply a re-upload to google drive just in case that site disappears. Simply download whichever one you prefer and extract the folder to a location on your PC.

It should look like this:

Downloading Rawr

This is the addon we will use to export our current character's gear, talents, etc to use inside SimCraft. Download and install it like you would any other addon:

Running a Simulation

Using Rawr

First, go into the game and enable the Rawr Addon. Once you are logged in, press "C" to open your character pane. You should see rawr in the bottom left corner. Left click to export!

Then just copy the text in the box!

Configuring SimCraft

After that, run SimCraft. You do this by running the SimulationCraft.exe file. Once open, click on the options tab.


I left most of these at default. I increased the number of threads it uses because...modern hardware. Increased the number of iterations to 10,000,  I also shortened the fight length to match the current progression encounter, and I also set the default role to DPS, since that's what I'm doing.


Check these to match your raid comp


Check "Analyze All stats." This will give you stat weights afterward that you can use in an addon like ReforgeLite to tailor reforges specifically to your current gear situation.

Running the Sim

Importing Your Character

Click on the import tab at the top of SimCraft. Click on Rawr. Paste what you copied from the addon earlier. Boom. Done.


Click on the simulate tab and hit the button on the bottom right

After that you get your results and can peruse all of the cools stuff SimCraft shows you!

Again, I am no expert when it comes to this and put this guide together to help get people started. If you have any feedback for this guide, please reach out to me and I'll make updates if I can