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Hands down the best bag addon in WoW. I know we're all used to the bag addon we have but take the time to set this one up and give it a shot!

You can create containers in your bag, items that fit the properties of a container will automatically go there. Is the item used for Blacksmithing? Set it to automatically go into that container. All of the containers show up sorted and grouped in one easy to use bag window.

It also gives you some great databar plugins for use in things like titan panel. Want to track your justice/valor points? Done. Want to track ANY MATERIAL and have it display the number you have on your data bar without having to count in your bag? Done.

And if that wasn't enough, it also comes with super clean border textures that are pixel perfect for you to use in other addons.

The setup can be a bit daunting but I'll be putting up a tutorial soon.



Setup Tutorial